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Members of Fairground-Clickers PTR earn by clicking these ads


PolarBear Aff
The ad above is worth 0.01 cent(s)
Clicks received 38788

Precious Aff
The ad above is worth 0.01 cent(s)
Clicks received 36428

CatHouse Aff
The ad above is worth 0.01 cent(s)
Clicks received 35635

Classical Aff
The ad above is worth 0.01 cent(s)
Clicks received 35116

Billion Aff
The ad above is worth 0.01 cent(s)
Clicks received 34719

PE4U Aff
The ad above is worth 0.01 cent(s)
Clicks received 34740

ButterFlies Aff
The ad above is worth 10 point(s)
Clicks received 33496

ShowCase Aff
The ad above is worth 10 point(s)
Clicks received 33120

Hot Rods Aff
The ad above is worth 10 point(s)
Clicks received 32921

The ad above is worth 10 point(s)
Clicks received 32811

Raining Aff
The ad above is worth 10 point(s)
Clicks received 32719

3Bears Aff
The ad above is worth 10 point(s)
Clicks received 32818

Aligator Aff
The ad above is worth 10 point(s)
Clicks received 32884